Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Forbidden City

Now one would think that having a 3 hour long line to view Mao, the Forbidden City would be relatively empty - well you would be wrong. You couldn't throw a piece of popcorn up in the air without it hitting 12 people before landing on the cobblestone. Once you get over the fact that you are not in a theme park, you can't help but fall in love with the culture. I mean thinking you have a sense of history touring your hometown city hall that was built in 1880 really pales in comparison.

Briefly, the Forbidden City was just that - a city filled with nobles that people like me or you weren't allowed to view, unless you were cleaning, building and or painting the place. Oh yeah, they had unics and concubines as well. A side note, contrary to popular belief a unic is not a unicorn with a soft horn.

I know you'd think I haven't eaten yet, not true, and I will devote the next post to food we've eaten thus far...but it's 4 in the morning now, and all we've been doing since we've arrived is try and fit 10lbs of day into a 5 pound bag.


Anonymous said...

CHef Gregg (and CBK) I would like to say that I LOVE your blog and i hope it continues, because i read your daily itinerary every morning so i know what you are doing and let me tell ya...this blog is way more exciting!! keep up the good work. P.s. the cats are well and say meow meow..meow.

Chef Gregg said...

Thanx KT, More 2 come:)